Archivi categoria : Biblioteca

The Gourmet Chinese Regional Cooking

INTRODUZIONE Introduction China is a vast country of great diversity. Bordered on the west by the soaring Himalayas, on the north by the harsh Gobi desert, and on the south and East by the Pacific, China encompasses an extraordinary range of climates and landscapes. The north of China, separated from the rest of the country…
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Gok Cooks Chinese

INTRODUZIONE ‘When I was younger, slaving over a wok in Dad’s Chinese takeaway, I never imagined that one day I would be writing a cookbook full of my father’s recipes. Arguing with him in the busiest of kitchens, I never imagined that I would one day thank him for his patience and guidance; that one…
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Foglie di Tè

INTRODUZIONE Il Nome del Tè Fino all’affermazione della parola tea in inglese, le foglioline di tè venivano chiamate in vari modi, tcha, cha, tay e tee. Il nome inglese non viene dal mandarino tcha, ma dal dialetto di Amoy te, appreso durante i primi contatti tra i commercianti olandesi e i Cinesi al largo del…
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Jereme Leung New Beijing Coisine

INTRODUZIONE For most of my life, I bounced back and forth between Singapore and Hong Kong. Whether I was staring across Victoria Harbour on the edge of China, or wandering past street hawkers in Singapore, I was always surrounded by food. I was thirteen when I took my first restaurant job in Singapore. In the…
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The Chinese Takeout Cookbook

INTRODUZIONE Chinese in america Sit back for a moment and imagine biting into a warm, savory egg roll. Or a juicy pork dumpling. Or for that matter, a spicy morsel of General Tso’s Chicken (page 70). Although the flavors vary from food to food, chances are we’re all imagining the same feeling: satisfaction. Chinese takeout is…
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La Cina in Cucina

INTRODUZIONE LE CHIAVI D'ORO PER UN MONDO DI SAPORI Le principali ricette della cucina cinese sono cinquemila, ma qualcuno sostiene che senza sforzo si può arrivare a quattordicimila. Averne selezionate un grappolo per questo libro può dunque sembrare avventato: è invece il modo migliore per avvicinarsi alla più complessa e raffinata gastronomia del mondo. Attraverso essi, infatti, se…
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WOK 100 ricette all’italiana

INTRODUZIONE Wok in Italy Potrebbe sembrare azzardato proporre l'impiego del wok per preparazioni che rispondono a un gusto tipicamente occidentale; eppure anche i piatti della cucina italiana si prestano a essere preparati con questa favolosa padella, pentola, casseruola... venuta dall'Oriente. Il ricettario che vi proponiamo vuol esser un invito a sperimentare questo strumento - sempre…
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Chinese Food in Minutes

INTRODUZIONE When I cook I reconnect with myself and feel sane again. It lifts my spirits and it is as if I am feeding my soul too. If you are an established cook, you will no doubt understand what I mean, but if you are a beginner I hope you will experience that innate pleasure…
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Easy Chinese Recipe

INTRODUZIONE Someone once asked me: What is your favorite sound in the world? “The sizzling sound of Chinese food, when the ingredients are added into a hot wok and that distinct aroma fills the kitchen.” I grew up listening to the musical rhythms of Chinese cooking in my home. Even though I was born in…
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